ABIE Network
European Business is part of the international Australian Business in Europe (ABIE) network. There are ABIE branches in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, the UK and Australia. We encourage you to attend international events held by our sister organisations. Please refer to the relevant branch website for upcoming events, or email the listed contact person.
ABIE Belgium
David Demetrius – Chairman
John Pescod – Secretary
Luxor Park 14 Brussels, 1160 Belgium
Email: info@abie.be
Tel: + 32 475 272 111 or +32 495 220 171
Web: www.abie.be
Finland Australia Business Council
c/o Suomi-Australia yhdistysten Liitto ry
Meritullinkatu 20 A 1
Helsinki, 00170 Finland
Tel: +358 45 2330 996
Email: secretary@fabc.fi
Web: www.fabc.fi/
ABIE France
Emily Cunningham
4 rue Jean Rey Paris, 75724 France
Email: contact@abie-france.com
Web: www.abie-france.com
ABIE Netherlands
Jennifer Tucker
Hertog Hendriklaan
12 Amsterdam, 3743DL Netherlands
Tel: +31 614905545
Email: ABIENetherlands@gmail.com
Web: www.abie-nl.nl
Australia-United Kingdom Chamber of Commerce
Emily Schade
Australia Centre
Strand London WC2B 4LG United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7099 8444
Email: hello@australianchamber.co.uk
Web: www.australianbusiness.co.uk
Australasian Business in Europe Czech Republic
Eva Polakova
Maiselova 25/4
Prague, 110 00 Czech Republic
Tel: +420 212 245 872
Email: info@canza.org
Web: http://www.abiecz.org
The Luxembourg, Australia & New Zealand Association ASBL (LANZA)
Ross Main
10 rue du Rahm Rameldange
Luxembourg, L6991 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 621 321 907
Email: ross.main@lanza.lu
Web: https://lanza.club
European Australian Business Council
Jason Collins
43 Phillip Street
Sydney, NSW, Australia 2000
Tel: +61 2 8272 0600
Email: jcollins@eabc.com.au
Web: http://www.eabc.com.au.
German Australian Business Council
German Australian Business Council
Neue Mainzer Str 66-68, Frankfurt, 60311 Germany
General Enquiries: Suzanne Heim
Email: info@gabc.eu
Event Enquiries: events@gabc.eu
Web: http://gabc.eu